Progress…I can feel it…

So I actually stuck to Weight Watchers for one whole day, and apparently the Metformin is starting to work!  I had my first blood sugar reading under 200 in a long time!

I also am feeling better already.  Immediately.  Headache is gone.  Skin brightened up.  And most of all, I finally am feeling clear-headed.  No foggy brain, feeling like I had just woken up all the time.  I also didn’t have a mid-afternoon crash today: I had been getting absolutely bone-weary at around 4:30 in the afternoon and going to bed by 10:00.  That’s crazy for me — I used to thrive as a night owl.

I wish there was some way to remember how yucky I was feeling; some kind of high-water mark I could compare to later on when I’m feeling amazing and I’ve lost weight and I have total control of my blood sugar.  Even knowing how much better it can get is difficult.  You get miserable so gradually that you start to forget what feeling better felt like.  It’s like a scale gets scooted over to one side…from your current perspective you can only see so far around you, and how good you used to feel is lost past the horizon.  Then as you head back in the right direction, how terrible you felt drifts out of view.

So today I document and try to put into words how I was feeling.  Maybe it’ll help me celebrate my progress and motivate me to keep it up.



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